Styal Village Store and Café Bulletin 3 Public meeting The public meeting on the 15 April was very successful with over 70 residents attending. There was a good discussion about the progress and current development of the shop. The raffle raised £174. A special thank you to all the people who donated prizes and bought tickets Funding We are proposing to launch the share offer in May. Every household will receive a prospectus detailing the business plan and the organisation of the store, the arts and craft and the cafe. You will also receive information on how to purchase shares or make a donation. We are looking to be able to open the shop in the early summer. Volunteers -Would you like to help in the Store, Arts and Craft and Cafe? We have a large group of volunteers, but need to ensure that we can be open 7 days a week. If you are interested and would like to know more, contact one of the volunteers team Eric Wilkins 01625-528431 eric.wilkins@talktalk.net Helen Fowler01625-536187helenfowler@talk21.com Sue McKie01625-528153suemakie@btinternet.com Jan Dixon01625-525452jan50dixon@btinternet.com Ron Dixon01625 525452ron44dxn@btinternet.com Volunteers Meeting Tuesday 13 May at 7-30pm in Styal Methodist Chapel, Farm Fold This is for anyone who wishes to volunteer, whether or not you have signed up already. We look forward to seeing you.